Monthly online timed auction

Over the last 10 years Sales sales of plant, machinery and equipment have become a highly successful auction at Clitheroe Auction attracting between 2500 - 3000 lots each month. Our sales are held as an online timed auction through this website on
A one acre secure compound is protected by CCTV  and 15,000 sq ft of undercover warehousing for equipment.  It is not surprising that vendors and buyers come to us from throughout the country confident of the service and values to be achieved.  

Important Notes and Procedure for Vendors/Buyers

  • Remember to enter your Lots of Machinery and Plant well in advance of the auction, allowing us to prepare a catalogue, advertise on the internet, in the press and media to attract as many buyers to the sale on the day.
  • Call 01200 423325 to book a slot for delivery of lots. 
  • Please see the Entry Form below to download, or contact reception on 01200 423325, or Jeremy 07815 727993.


All Vendors should note the following before bringing lots for entry:

  • As of the 1st July 2023 we are no longer accepting any tyres of any sort including tyres on rims. 
  • No deliveries on Wednesdays
  • Call the office before delivering items, to arrange a slot - failure to do so may result in longer wait times
  • We reserve the right to refuse objects of low value that either may be unsold, or not reach the minimum commission of £3.00; this equates to an estimated minimum value of  £30 for small tools and equipment.
  • The minimum commission on all sold/unsold lots is now £3.00 for inside items. 
    • Vendors must collect their Unsold items within the week following the Sale or they will be re-entered for the next auction.
    •  All unsold items within the small tools & accessories section  without a reserve can either be collected the week following the sale otherwise they will be entered into our live weekly sale on Wednesday.  This does not include Fridges/Freezers, Tyres, Sunbeds, Gas Bottles, Asbestos or Fluorescent Lights.  
    • All items that remain unsold from the Wednesday sale must be removed on Wednesday night or they will be disposed of.   


    • Items will be catalogued and online for the weekend prior to the Sale
    • Viewing of the Sale will be on Thursday 9am - 4pm, Friday 9am - 4pm and Saturday Morning 9am - 12 noon, prior to the Auction.  
    • Buyers can pay for and collect their items on the Monday following the Sale from 9am and throughout the week at specified times and by appointment, and will be contacted by the office - or call us on 01200 423325  to arrange payment and collection.  
    • No collections on Wednesdays 
    • All lots must be paid for and collected within one week of the Sale. 

    Entry Forms and Conditions of Sale

    Upcoming Sales & Downloads

    Online Timed Machinery Sale to Incorporate Rural & Domestic Bygones

    Online Timed Machinery Sale to Incorporate Rural & Domestic Bygones

    Latest Sale Reports

    Please Note: An additional 0.5o% surcharge will be added onto all Business Card Payments